Pastoral Care

To learn how to request support, prayers, visitations, or how to become a care team member or information and resources for our seniors, please see below.

As a faith family, we strive to support each other through ministries that gently and lovingly support and care for fellow parishioners. We are here for each other in times of joy and sorrow, sickness and health, youth and aging. Some of the many ways we support one other are celebrating the sacraments both in church or in a person’s home if they are unable to attend due to illness or disability. Praying together in thanksgiving or supplication during our service in the prayers of the people, or in the hospital, home, or offsite facilities. The sharing of information about community resources by telephone, on our web page, or in person. Support through end-of-life planning referrals and celebration planning, as well as visitation and communion during illness.

How to Request Support

Any parishioner may call at any time day or night, seven days a week, in the event of a pastoral crisis such as a death in the family, serious illness, serious accident, or other pastoral emergencies. (757) 920-5489.
If possible, a priest should be called whenever a person is near death to administer Anointing and pray with the family, if so desired.

Please call the pastoral care coordinator or the office at (757)229-1111

• When someone is ill or hospitalized
• When someone is experiencing distress and needs pastoral care.
• When someone wants to discuss spiritual or theological matters.
• When someone wishes to talk to gain spiritual comfort

Any parishioner may call the church office to set up an appointment for a non-crisis visitation.


The parish prayer list is updated weekly and includes a section for both parishioners and friends and loved ones of parishioners. To include a name please call the office. Prayer request cards can be found in the pews. If you would like to receive confidential prayers, contact Martha Caruso or the clergy directly.
Other prayerful support such as Reconciliation of a Penitent, House Blessing, Thanksgiving for the birth of a child, and pastoral counseling are also available upon request.


Hospital Visits
When parishioners are sick and/or hospitalized, Pastoral Care at St. Martin’s, once informed, will be happy to make provisions for a scheduled visit. You may request a pre-surgery visit, time spent with family during surgery, and/or a post-surgery visit. In case of an extended stay, a member of the pastoral care team is available to bring communion or simply be a spiritual presence. To receive a visit, contact the office or clergy directly; do not presume that others will notify us for you.

Home Visits

The pastoral care team is trained and licensed as Eucharistic Visitors and would be happy to bring the sacrament of Holy Communion to those who are homebound or in residential facilities.
Please call or email your request.



Interested in becoming involved in one of the many pastoral care ministries?


Flower Delivery

Contact: Allison LoCastro
Altar flower deliverers work in pairs each Sunday. One pair delivers altar flowers to parishioners chosen by pastoral care.

Volunteer Position Description:
 Anyone able to prepare and deliver flowers after 10:00 am service can be involved in this ministry. The ministry leader prepares the schedule, helps provide training, and is the contact person for anyone wanting to communicate to this ministry.

Pastoral Care Team

Pastoral Care Ministry gives the lay members of St. Martin's the opportunity to bring the love and fellowship of the church to those who are hospitalized, home bound, in nursing homes, lonely or in need of companionship. This ministry is one way of sharing Christ's love.

Volunteer Position Description: The Pastoral Care Team gives people the opportunity to exercise a ministry of compassion and prayer to others. The training includes attending a monthly meeting and having on-the-job training by our clergy. Times and dates of visitation are flexible

Prayer Chain

Contact: Kathleen Aiello
Ministry Description: People who confidentially and faithfully pray for others when asked.

Senior helpful resources

In this section, we will share many helpful resources in the Williamsburg area, as well as articles to keep you informed and supported in your life's journey.

St. Martin's Resource List – Friends Making Friends Connections