Outreach at St. Martin's Episcopal Church

Mission Statement

St. Martin’s, reflecting its namesake, Martin of Tours, humbly engages in community outreach and service that gives life to our Christian beliefs. We seek to do justice, love kindness, and serve the vulnerable without exception.

A commitment to bold and innovative outreach was one of the founding hallmarks of St. Martin’s, and we continue to strive to be a beacon in our community. We give our time and talents both publicly and privately, as a church and as individuals, in keeping with the tradition of our namesake, St. Martin of Tours, best known for the account of his using his military sword to cut his cloak in two, to give half to a beggar clad only in rags in the depth of winter.

All our ministries (descriptions and contact information) are included in this  MINISTRY GUIDE LISTING. Please download this important and helpful document. We encourage you to find an area of interest and contact any of our ministry leaders to volunteer and become actively involved. 

St. Martin’s Episcopal Church supports 40 different Outreach programs in the community.  The outreach program, administered through the Outreach Commission, is organized into four major categories of need

  • Local Food & Clothing Ministries
  • Interfaith Homeless Ministries
  • Mentorship Ministries
  • International / Food Ministries

Support is made available through financial, in-kind and volunteer opportunities. Learn about many of the agencies and programs we support through links to agency websites, please see below right.  

  • Please get involved! New volunteers are always welcomed!  
  • For information, contact the St. Martin’s Outreach Commission members listed below.   

Cloak Offerings

  • The 2nd Sunday of each month, plate collections from all services are donated to a worthy local organization serving our community. 

Outreach Commission Members
Outreach Commission members are listed below along with the areas of responsibilities for each. If you are interested in volunteering for one or several programs, opportunities, or initiatives, please contact any of our commission members. All email addresses can be found in the parish directory.

  • FLORENCE DOWNES, Co-chair,  CINDY JORDAN, Co-chair,  LISA GREEN, Priest-in-charge

Meals on Wheels, Thanksgiving Dinner

3E Restoration, Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD), American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem (AFEDJ)

Social Justice, VICPP = Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy, CASA = Court-Appointed Special Advocate

Back to School Supplies, Christmas Tree Gift Collection, Camp Sav-a-Child

Boy’s Home of Virginia, Grove Deliveries, Men’s Group Iniatives, St. Vincent’s School in Haiti

Refugee Resettlement Issues, Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD)

Hospice House, Avalon, Summer Lunches for Kids

Winter Shelter

FISH, The Harbor, Grace Haven Family Shelter, GWOM, CRC Food Bank-Day of Caring-Hands Together, Walk the Talk