Stewardship Campaign 2025

As our Vestry and staff carefully plan pastoral and outreach ministries
for the coming year, financial commitments from Parish households
are essential. We appreciate your prayerful consideration, and invite you to commit your offering to prayer by Sunday, November 10th.

“Pledging” is letting the church know of your intended financial commitment
 “Thank you for your prayerful action in this regard.”
There are TWO ways to make your pledge commitment to St. Martin’s.


1. Return the 2025 Pledge Card

Form Options:

  1. Download and Complete requested Card
  2. Indicate Pledge frequency options
    Please check which time interval is most convenient for your schedule –weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually.
  3. Indicate other preferences

Payment Method Options

  1. Cash or Check    Write a weekly (etc.) check to St. Martin’s. Please indicate if you would like to receive offering envelopes.
  2. Electronically     St. Martin’s provides an electronic payment system (Vanco) for your use in setting up regular payments to the church. You determine the frequency, the amount, and whether by a transfer funds directly to St. Martin’s, debit or credit card.
  3. Make arrangements through your own bank for them to automatically send your commitment to the church.
  4. Call the pledge treasurer to discuss alternative options or make a charitable bequest to St. Martin’s.    For your convenience, view or download Endowment Fund Policy & Guidelines

2. Register your pledge online.

Use this link to notify the pledge treasurer of your intention to provide financial support to St. Martin’s Episcopal Church ONLINE. Doing so replaces the need to return a pledge card. It is not an actual payment.
  • If you would like the convenience of setting up an “Electronic Payment” as your preferred method of payment, you are invited to use the service (bonded and totally independent) provided by our church. 
  • Authorize secure, regular, quick and easy automated payments to fulfill your commitment with this vetted tool.
​Click the Electronic Payment button above to create an account (profile) or make adjustments to an existing account ​with our  featured service provider, VANCO.